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What are the specific steps involved in the cycle of a fully automatic softener?

Sep. 07, 2024

A fully automatic softener is a device that automatically controls the operation and regeneration of a softener by 

using time, flow or sensing methods to initiate regeneration. So, what are the specific steps involved in the cycle 

of a fully automatic softener?

The cycle of a fully automatic softener consists of the following steps:

1. Operation

Under a certain pressure and flow rate, raw water flows through a container (softener) containing ion exchange 

resin. The exchangeable ions Na+ in resin exchange with the cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, etc.) in the water, 

resulting in the container's outlet water having the desired Ca2+ and Mg2+ content.

2. Backwashing

Before regeneration, after the resin has been exhausted, the resin is first backwashed with water from below to 

loosen the compressed resin layer, which is beneficial for the resin particles to fully contact the regeneration liquid. 

The purpose of backwashing is also to remove suspended matter accumulated on the resin surface during operation 

and some broken resin particles can be washed out with the backwash water. In this way, the water flow resistance of 

the exchanger will not increase.

3. Regeneration

Regeneration liquid flows through the exhausted resin layer at a certain concentration and flow rate, making the resin 

to regenerate and restore its original exchange capacity.

4. Replacement

After the regeneration liquid has been exhausted, there is still unparticipated regeneration exchange liquid in the 

expansion space and resin layer of the exchanger. In order to fully utilize this part of the salt liquid, a clear water with 

a flow rate less than or equal to the regeneration liquid flow rate is used for flushing. The purpose is to prevent the 

clear water from mixing with the regeneration liquid.

5. Flushing

The purpose is to remove the residual regeneration wastewater in the resin layer. It is usually flushed with normal 

operating flow rate until the outlet water quality meets the requirements.

6. Brine tank water supply

Water is added to the brine tank to dissolve the salt consumption required for regeneration.

Above is the specific step introduction of the circulation process of the fully automatic softener. Currently, due to 

the automatic softener saving investment costs while ensuring the smooth operation of production, it has been widely 

used in various steam boilers, hot water boilers, heat exchangers, steam condensers, air conditioners, and gas-fired engines 

and other equipment and systems in the circulation supplemental water.

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